Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Aronia Berries and Blackwork

What a combination for this post!

Here is proof our Aronia plants survived the winter. It was a really mild winter here but somewhat dry, so we were a little worried about the plants we just started last fall. But as you can see here, they are alive and well. The plants are doing well even in the rocky soil where there was once a driveway.

We now have to worry, since it is only March, that we won't get a hard freeze that could cause serious damage to them. We planted a Vineyard mix grass between the rows and plants to keep the weeds under control. It is supposed to be slow growing but has already needed mowed.

This past weekend was beautiful weather and DH went out to mow. I spent some time with mom who lives close to the farm. We decided to take a sandwich out for him to keep his energy up. Here is mom and DH visiting and enjoying the beautiful day.

But, what about the Blackwork, you ask?

I just wanted to share that Tanja is offering a mini Blackwork mystery project on her site and you can find the link below. If you have been wanting to try Blackwork this is a great opportunity. She has parts 1 and 2 already posted and the final part 3 will be up in April.

So much to learn, so little time!

1 comment:

Fred said...

I think you have nothing to worry about your aronia plant. It is very resistant, needs no chemical treatment whatsoever and indeed a little mowing between each plant is all what it requires. Freezing temp should not be a problem, it grows well in wild Canadian damps where winters are quite harsh.