After considering all of the wonderful ideas shared by many of you, I am pleased with the resulting changes made. Thank you!!!
By moving the key (or screw driver if you prefer) to the top left the block seemed to open up and the corner left of the paragraph became more interesting.
There seemed to be a consensus about the ribbon ends floating off the edges of the blocks. I adjusted them somewhat. The ribbon helps lead the eye around the block.
I stitched a lace pattern under the paragraph. This worked out really well and I will definitely incorporate this stitched lace into other blocks. I'm patting myself on the back for coming up with that one (smiles).
In place of the darker bead butterfly I did try creating a lighter colored butterfly than what I originally had, but the butterfly still seemed to steal the spotlight and was a bit bulky. I found the gold one shown above at a garage sale this past summer and it worked very well in the corner.
Suz who is part of our Tuesday Stitchers group came to my aid immediately and offered to make some tatted butterflies for me to try in place of the beaded ones. Debra, who keeps us organized and on track at the TS group, also offered to send a lace butterfly. Since my gold butterfly is a pendant, I can easily replace it if one of the other butterflies works better. In any case, I am grateful and excited to receive butterflies from the two very talented ladies and I am positive what they send will become part of this CQ project! Now to find something they will like that I can send them in trade.
Your block is absolutely lovely! I like all the different elements and how meaningful it is.
The compostiton of the block is great! My eye is led around from one lovely embellishment to the next. Really nice.
I love your work! I think the final block arrangement is great!
Really lovely Connie. Am just adding the finishing touches to my January block today.
Your changes, made a stunning block a real treasure.
beautiful block and lovely work. I love your beaded butterflies! I too am putting the final touches on mine - I incorporated both projects TAST and CQJP into one and hope to keep up with it monthly.
WOW! This is gorgeous, Connie!!! I hope you have a beautiful, creative week ahead!!
This is much much better!
Great balance, fantastic butterfly, clear blue flowers, I love it.
Connie, your block is gorgeous! I love everything, especially your stitched lace - you're right, it was a brilliant idea.
Looking forward to the next one,
So many lovely details, so many elements arranged so beautifully! Of course, I love the butterfly so much!
wow beautifulllllllll what attracted me most is that small peacock feather ...
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